
Weld Labs is a full service laboratory and we frequently test soil, manure, compost, and fertilizer. This integrated approach allows our customers to customize their soil amendment program according to compost/manure they have on site before extra fertilizer is purchased.

We have two common packages for manure (click for sample report):

  1. The Basic Manure package includes: Moisture, Solids, Nitrogen (TKN), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (P), Organic Matter, pH, Salts, the C:N ratio, and the predicted available NPK in the first year.
  2. The Complete Manure package includes everything in the Basic Manure package. It adds Ammonia and Nitrate-N to provide a more comprehensive Total Nitrogen calculation (especially on liquid manures). (Note that we also have lagoon packages for low-solid liquid manure).

We have two common packages for compost (click for sample report):

  1. The Basic Compost package includes: Moisture, Solids, Nitrogen (TKN),  Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Organic Matter, pH, Salts, and the C:N ratio.
  2. The Complete Compost package includes everything in the Basic Compost package and adds: Nitrate-N, Sodium (Na), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Chloride (Cl), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), an Agricultural Index calculation, and finally a calculation on the percentage of nitrogen (%N) that has been mineralized.

Note that we have introduced aligned reports! Look for the double-lines. If you have your soil test with fertilizer recommendations, you can line up your manure report to determine how many tons you need to spread to meet your nitrogen (or P, K, etc) requirement.

For fertilizer, most people use the NPK package.

  1. NPK Fertilizer. Designed for liquids, this package includes TKN, Nitrate, Total Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, pH, and salts.
  2. Nitrate, Sulfate, or Ammonia can be added a-la-carte.
  3. Hydroponic solutions have their own package. N, P, K, pH, Salts, B, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Mo.

Typically takes 4-6 business days to turn the basic packages. Complete packages take an extra couple days because of the added chemistry.

There are many other analyses that can be added a la carte. For details or questions please see the services and pricing guide.

For additional questions about sampling please see our sampling guide.

If you have any issues with the website please contact us. Image/Video attribution available as well.