Sample submission forms can be downloaded here.
When you submit a sample, we automatically setup your new account for free. Be sure to include a physical address, phone number, and email address. We send your results as a PDF attachment to the email you provide on the forms below. We send a hard copy of the lab report with the invoice at the end of the week.
If you would like us to test a feed sample, simply download our: feed-request-form.
If you would like us to test an agricultural soil for manure or fertilizer requirements, simply download our: soil-purchase-order
If you have a compost sample, just download our compost-form.
If you have a manure sample, our manure-form is best.
For everything else you would like us to test, simply download a: chain-of-custody.
Sampling Guide: sampling-guide
Services and Pricing Guide: services-and-pricing-guide
If you would like a reminder to sample your water or soil simply fill out our reminder form.
If you have any issues with the website please contact us. Image/Video attribution available as well.