Flaked Corn

We frequently test Flaked Corn to determine moisture, available glucose, degree of processing, and how many pounds of gelatinized starch are available per ton of grain.

Why test gelatinized starch in flaked corn?

Flaked corn is valuable as a source of starch. Starch gelatinization is a process that makes starch more digestible for the animals consuming it. This is typically performed through grain processing (rolling or flaking). Many factors influence starch availability or gelatinization including corn quality, cook time, cook temperature, and roll conditions. A problem commonly encountered has been the lack of a reliable, scientific method for determining available starch. Weld Laboratories perfected and patented a method for determining gelatinized starch in steam-flaked grains (US Patent No. 6,326,043). By using the results generated by our method the consumer can choose between different processed grains or the processor can make adjustments to the flaking conditions to increase or decrease the percent gelatinized starch from the grain.

What else do I need to know?

The analysis compares the processed grain with the whole grain, so customers are advised to send in a sample of the unprocessed grain with their sample whenever possible. There is no extra charge for the unprocessed grain when it is accompanied by a flaked or rolled sample.
How much sample? What container do I need? One pound samples should be submitted (of both the flaked and whole corn) in one-gallon zip-lock freezer bags.
How long will it take? These starch analyses are involved and generally take 7-9 business days.

For additional questions regarding our services and pricing see our services and pricing guide.

For additional questions regarding sampling see our sampling guide.

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