Ag. Soil

We frequently test agricultural soil for farmers, ranchers, and soil treatment companies to determine how much fertilizer needs to be applied and diagnose other soil problems. Annual soil testing is key in maintaining farm and garden productivity. Testing plant tissue with us is another way to determine if your soil amendment and fertilization schedule needs to be modified. We provide free fertilizer recommendations with all of our soil packages!

POPULAR Soil Packages

  1. Routine Soil. This package includes pH, salts, organic matter, an estimation of soil texture, and availability of: nitrates, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and sulfur. We price this at $20 per sample so that everybody can get their soil tested.
  2. Essential Soil. This package includes everything in the Routine package above and adds the key micronutrients: zinc, manganese, iron, and copper. $26. Sample Garden Report.
  3. Complete Soil. This package includes everything in the Essential package above and adds boron, sodium, magnesium, CEC by summation, and base saturation. $35. (We can add boron to any package for $5). Sample Silage Corn Report.

Our general turnaround time for agricultural soil is 5-7 business days. Samples are taken with a soil probe. Typically 10-20 6″ topsoil cores are mixed in a bucket. The sample you submit to the lab is a filled one-quart bag of this soil. Ground agricultural soils are archived for one year at no extra cost.

Our soil analyses follow standards set forth by the American Society of Agronomy. Every soil run is checked against a quality control sample provided by the North American Proficiency Testing program. We know how important your soil is.

If you want to learn more about soil or how to read your lab report, please read our guide.

Trying to figure out the best combination of fertilizer for your soil report? The University of Georgia has a fabulous fertilizer calculator by R. Hitchcock and D. E. Kissel.

Soil testing is the cornerstone of any nutrient management plan. We test your soil, manure, lagoon water, and fertilizer to help you determine proper application rates. For many agricultural businesses (like farms and concentrated animal feeding operations) monitoring nitrogen and phosphorus is required by law. If you have additional questions about nutrient management plans please see our wastewater services.

For additional questions concerning our services and pricing, please see our services and pricing guide.
We have soil and feed probes available for $5/day. For additional questions concerning sampling, please see our sampling guide.

If you have any issues with the website please contact us. Image/Video attribution available as well.