About us
- Established in 1978, Weld Laboratories has served the analytical needs of the agricultural and environmental industries for over 46 years. We have found that the key to good chemistry is having great chemists.
- Weld Labs offers a comprehensive list of analytical services including packages for: Feed and Forage testing, plant tissue, agricultural soil, manure, compost, fertilizer, livestock water, irrigation water, drinking water, wastewater, soil corrosivity, and gas/oil spill testing.
- A few of the feed/forages we routinely see are alfalfa, grass, corn silage, whole corn, flaked corn, haylage, wheatlage, triticale, sorghum, sudex, sudan, wheat, millet, barley, oats, spent grains, mixed rations, and various seeds. If you are feeding animals or growing crops Weld Labs has a full suite of services to meet your needs.
- Weld Labs has continuously been certified by the National Forage Testing Association since 1986 and holds certification in both NIRS and Wet Chemistry analyses!